How to Execute a Successful Rapid Deployment SAP SuccessFactors Project

Created on November 29, 2018
Last updated on December 14th, 2021 at 8:26 am by Rizing Staff

Rapid deployment is a means to getting new software up and running as quickly as possible. But don’t let the name fool you—the methodology that involves a very fixed scope and preconfigured solutions still requires due diligence and preparation. Paul Rose, Service Director UK & Ireland at Rizing HCM, joined the Raven Intel Podcast recently to discuss how customers can best execute a successful rapid deployment SAP SuccessFactors project.

“Ultimately, [rapid deployment] can be successful if a number of considerations are met from a readiness standpoint and the customer certainly needs to have prework completed before the project has commenced,” said Rose during the podcast.

As far as prework goes, Rose says that process harmonization is a key component, and that customers should identify who can make rapid and effective decisions to meet project timelines. Customers also need to be aware of complex data migrations and integration to applications such as payroll, time, and benefit systems. The customer should also have done due diligence in knowing the capabilities of the software they have purchased—that helps build out the right processes.

Picking the right partner for rapid deployment is key—just as it is with standard deployment. However, it becomes even more important when the deadlines are moved up. A good partner will be able to educate on the types of quick decisions that need to be made. Rose stresses, however, that customers should not rely on the partner alone for success.

“Often in these conversations I think we focus too much on the partners. If I’m a customer, I want to have that business process owner in place who is going to be able to really paint the picture of current to future state processes,” explained Rose. “And whether that is a rapid deployment or an enterprise deployment, that [business process owner] is probably the most important resource.”

Stay in Touch

Beyond the prework, there is also ongoing communication that needs to happen. Rose offers the example of one customer. The company has locations in the United States and United Kingdom and attempted a rapid SuccessFactors deployment but faced a lack of communication between business functions. The project was based in the US, and the UK group was not included much in the discussion after project kickoff.

That led to some tension and added months to the project as the company had to go back to ensure that processes were harmonized between the two countries. In the end, it followed the same timeline as a regular (non-rapid deployment) integration.

Rapid Deployment is the Beginning

To conclude, Rose emphasizes again the important of preparation, and attention to detail, for a rapid deployment to meet its deadlines.

“It can work with the caveat that customer expectations are aligned throughout the business and it is the first step in an HR transformation journey–it’s not the final step,” said Rose. “I think that’s key—the prework on the customer side must be completed and the company must be willing to dedicate those key resources to the project.”

For more, you can listen to the full recording of the Raven Intel podcast on SoundCloud.

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