What to Watch Out For at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain 2020 

Created on February 28, 2020
Last updated on September 19th, 2022 at 2:11 pm by Rizing Staff

SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain kicks off its 16th iteration next month on March 16-18 in San Antonio, and those three days will feature plenty of opportunities for attendees to expand their knowledge base and network in the SAP Enterprise Asset Management (EAM) ecosystem. Let’s look at what attendees can expect in technology, networking, and more at the event.

The Major SAP Solution Themes at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain

This is an SAP conference, after all, so the latest SAP EAM software will be highlighted. These are some of the top solutions that will be top of mind at the SAP-Centric EAM:

  • SAP S/4HANA Transformation: Even as SAP has extended mainstream maintenance for SAP Business Suite 7 from 2025 to 2027SAP customers are still evaluating a move to SAP S/4HANA in the next 5 years. Many of the customer-led sessions at SAP-Centric Centric EAM & Supply Chain will share lessons learned that will be helpful to future SAP S/4HANA transformations at companies that have yet to make the upgrade—in areas such as master data cleansing and more. SAP will also be presenting roadmap sessions on SAP S/4HANA for EAM, so you can see what’s new and what’s coming.
  • Mobility and Field Enablement: Mobility platforms provide better UX in a timely manner, and mobility helps with operational safety and reliability. Many companies are looking to take the next step in maintenance efficiency, and you can see what SAP and partners have to offer in mobility.
  • Shutdown and Turnaround: The Oil and Gas industry is getting into a more frequent turnaround cycle, so many companies are looking for systems to perform turnarounds repeatedly within budget and schedule. At SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain, you can find out the latest innovations that are making this possible.
  • Asset Central: The cloud-based Asset Central platform provides a network with asset manufacturers and predictive maintenance capabilities with better UX. SAP-Centric EAM is a great place to learn more about Asset Central before your company’s implementation.
  • SAP Intelligent Asset Management: This is SAP’s cutting-edge toolset for EAM, taking advantage of the latest technology to create more efficient processes in asset management. At SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain, you should expect to hear plenty on Intelligent Asset Management. For example, you can seek out knowledge on how companies are creating Digital Twins for their assets, and how that will change the “hand over” of information as owners begin operating new assets.
  • Supply Chain: SAP is offering new functionality across the EAM and Supply Chain space. SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain can help you understand what solutions the future will bring and start thinking about the value a business will gain by investing in the technology. This will include Supply Chain Management in SAP S/4HANA, cloud solutions such as Ariba, and partner mobility solutions.

Networking—and Reunions—at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain

 If you are new to SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain, it’s a great place to meet new contacts and friends in the SAP EAM ecosystem—that’s evidenced by all the reunions that happen each year. You can find fellow customers, SAP contacts, and partner connections that will all help you optimize EAM and make you better at your job.

You’ll find out what is driving the businesses of fellow attendees, and their biggest EAM challenges. SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain also offers a great opportunity to meet and discuss with your current and future EAM partners to find out how they can continue to help you solve real-world problems.

Creating Your EAM Transformation Strategy

You will find many companies at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain that are either in the process of implementing or planning for significant changes with SAP S/4HANA, Intelligent Asset Management, and many of the other products listed above. Just implementing solutions doesn’t change your business, having a strategy and executing that strategy requires thoughtful planning, engaging with teams of people. and thinking in different ways.

Combining learning from sessions and networking during breaks and after hours, you can utilize SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain to learn best practices and hear real-world experiences from companies that have begun their EAM transformations. You can find out what they have done beyond the technology to ensure that transformation is having a positive impact on how they manage their assets.

Connect with Rizing at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain

Rizing will have a large contingent on hand to meet with you at SAP-Centric EAM & Supply Chain and discuss all the topics listed above. You can find us on the show floor at the Platinum Sponsor Booth (#1) and request a meeting beforehand by emailing eam@rizing.com. We’ll see you in San Antonio.


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