SuccessFactors 2022 Updates.

H2 2022 SAP SuccessFactors Release Analysis: Succession / Career Development

Created on December 6, 2022
Last updated on December 21st, 2022 at 9:40 am by Rizing Staff

The SAP SuccessFactors® H2 2022 Release provides several enhancements to the Succession and Career Development modules. In this article, we look at new permission controls, a new competency UI, and improved search functionality that equips users with a more effective system for Succession and Development Planning.

Remove Subjects from Calibration Sessions

You can now remove subjects from all calibration sessions. Previously, you could only remove subjects from inactive sessions or those still in the setup status.

  • Succession & Development
  • Compensation
  • Performance & Goals

SAP built a new Remove Subjects from Calibration Sessions tool, where you can search for the sessions where an employee has been included as a calibration subject.

You can narrow down the search results when the employee is included in multiple sessions by selecting a calibration template name. Then, only the sessions created with the specified template are listed.

This feature provides flexibility in handling data privacy by being able to remove individual employees’ calibration information by session. If a calibration session is created with People Profile as the data source, after removing the subjects, their calibration information is also removed from People Profile.

How to turn it on:

Universal, General Availability

Career Explorer is Now Generally Available

Powered by machine learning technology, Career Explorer recommends career opportunities to employees based on the career paths of people similar to them in the organization.

SAP SuccessFactors integrates with the People Connection system to retrieve and analyze your employee data. People Connection is based on SAP’s AI Business Service Personalized Recommendation system.

When there’s sufficient qualified data, the data is used to train machine learning algorithms, and employees will get job role recommendations on Career Explorer.

SAP’s intent for this feature is to allow employees to discover more relevant opportunities in their organization, such as:

  • Career moves of people who are similar to them
  • Roles from outside their job hierarchy
  • Roles that they haven’t thought they would be suited to

How to turn it on:

Admin Opt-in, General Availability

Country/Region Picklist Available for Mentoring Matching Questions

The system generates mentor recommendations based on matching questions for each mentoring program. You can now use the “Country/Region” picklist as a question category and use its values for automatic matching.

With this, you can set up matching rules where mentees define their preferred country/region when signing up for a program, and mentors’ country/region information is pulled from their profile data.

How to turn it on:

Universal Update, General Availability

Additional Fields in Succession Org Chart Nodes and Position Tiles

You can now add Job Title, Job Level, and Department to the headers of Succession Org Chart nodes and position tiles and customize the order in which the fields are displayed.

To configure these fields, go to Admin Center > Org Chart Configuration > Succession org chart.

With the additional fields displayed, you can easily distinguish between different positions if they have the same title.=

How to turn it on:

Universal Update, General Availability


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