H2 2022 SAP SuccessFactors Release Analysis – Learning

Created on November 21, 2022
Last updated on December 6th, 2022 at 6:40 pm by Rizing Staff

We’ve broken down the major SAP SuccessFactors® H2 2022 updates to help you easily digest the latest changes. In this post, we’ll look at what’s new in Learning.

The H2 2022 Learning release focuses on the evolution of the new Course Home Experience, with new features that “sweeten the deal” for customers who choose to upgrade now.

There are also updates to the Microsoft Teams/VLS integration and a new timeline for action needed with authentication for Learning-only users.

Sunsetting Features

Customers who have the original Course Home activated but have not yet upgraded to the new Course Home Experience will be automatically switched to the new experience with the H2 release.

If you have set the “Course Home enabled” flag to “true” before the first half of 2022, you will be migrated to the newer experience of Course Home.

Additionally, SuccessFactors has recently announced that customers who have not yet upgraded to the new Course Home experience (i.e., those customers using the legacy course UX) will automatically be upgraded to the new Course Home experience as an “opt-out” feature with the H1 2023 release.

Those customers who do not wish to adopt the new Course Home experience at that time will still have the option of turning it off. However, per the current roadmap, all customers will be moved to the new Course Home experience with the H2 2023 release, and the legacy course UX will be deprecated.

Course Home Enhancements

The Course Home experience has the following new capabilities:

  • Support for “Other” Item Classification, including Task Checklists.
  • New setting for “Task Checklist Preview,” which allows assigned users to view the Tasks within the Checklist’s Item Details. This is turned off within Task Checklist settings by default.
  • Ability for Task Checklist Observers to print the Checklist.
  • JAM integration information.
  • Selection of missing approvers when registering.
  • Miscellaneous enhancements to previously released Item Classifications.
  • Another significant enhancement to the new Course Home experience is a global configuration to “override launch in a new window.” Customers adopting the new Course Home experience realize that many of their existing Content Objects launch in a new browser window. While that behavior was preferable with the legacy course UX, Course Home is optimized for the inline display of online course content. The new “overrideContentLaunchInNewWindow” setting will cause all online content to display inline when Course Home is activated.

Microsoft Teams/VLS Updates

Customers who have previously implemented the Microsoft Teams VLS integration must add a new permission within the Microsoft Azure portal: OnlineMeetingArtifact.Read.All.

This permission is needed to get the meeting attendance records and should be added before the H2 2022 release date in Production (December 9) to prevent interruption of automated attendance processing.

On an opt-in note, a new custom field in user profiles for storing alternate Microsoft Azure email addresses is available for the MS Teams integration with the H2 release.

This feature allows customers to allocate an available Custom User Field in Learning which can contain an alternate email address for Azure (if that differs from the employee email address within the Learning user record.) Instructor profiles can also be configured to have an additional email ID in the instructor summary.

Authentication for Learning-only Users

Per the original timeline, customers with Learning-only users (i.e., those who are created directly in Learning, do not exist in Platform, and who log in natively – or through a dedicated URL – to Learning) had until this H2 2022 release to integrate Learning with IAS as the only supported authentication mechanism for Learning-only users.

SuccessFactors has extended that deadline to H2 2024. By that release, IAS must be implemented for Platform and integrated with Learning to support direct login by Learning-only users.


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