H2 2022 SAP SuccessFactors Release Analysis: Time Tracker

Created on November 21, 2022
Last updated on December 6th, 2022 at 6:42 pm by Rizing Staff

We’ve broken down the major SAP SuccessFactors® H2 2022 updates to help you easily digest the latest changes. In this post, we’ll look at what’s new in Time Tracking.

SAP continues to improve the Time Tracker module – the H2 2022 release provides even more features to enhance the end user and administration experiences.

Here are our favorite new features in this release:

Grace Period Rounding for Clock Times: Ref. #: TIM-31124

Grace periods are typically defined near the start and end times of a working shift. The time recorded in these grace periods is rounded to the start or end time. This is a standard function for most organizations with clocking functionality, and it helps manage unneccessary overtime.

Grace periods can be configured in the work schedule on the day model and in a dedicated rounding configuration model.

How to turn it on:



The screenshot shows rounding set at 5 minutes based on ‘Work Schedule.’

  • Employee scheduled at 8 am
  • Clocked-in time showed 8:03 am
  • Rounding rules applied and rounded starting time is 8 am

Holiday Has a New Category Filter in Time Records: Ref. #: TIM-32133

There is a change to the filtering capability on the timesheet for holidays – from class to category. For existing holiday filters, the holiday category is filled based on the holiday class values during the upgrade. The data type of the holiday category is a generic object.

For new holiday filters, you can also filter using custom holiday categories, for example, higher premium holidays. The holiday class is still visible in the time records filter. However, you can’t edit the holiday class, and it doesn’t affect the time valuation.

This has been introduced to support different premiums based on different holiday categories. For example, you will be able to pay a higher premium on Labor Day than on any other full-day holiday.

How to turn it on



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